Monday, May 17, 2010

LIV Photography and Convents

 First order of business: I have a photography blog!! :)

I'm super excited for the photography blog for many reasons, one of the main one is that I love sharing my work, but I don't always want to make an entire post that's about just the photos. This gives me a way to just post the pictures and not have to give too much explanation. As well as not let my entire personal blog consumed with posting pictures and a place to post my freelance work. So go over to LIV Photography, follow me, and enjoy!


 Second order of business is that I had tryouts for The Sound of Music last week for our community theater and... *builds up the suspense*... I'm a nun!!
 Yes... after a year of studying the Reformation for history, I've become a nun. As I reassured the pastor at I church I go to youth group at, I'll just be a protestant nun. :) At first I was a little dissapointed to get a nonspeaking role, but then I took a look at who else is going to be nuns and got super excited! I have a bunch of friends and people I know that are nuns and it'll be really fun. My mom also is a nun and she got one of the solos. It's our first play we've been in together since I was six so we're excited.

 Also, it's a small enough part that it wont totally consume my entire summer. I'm going to camp for a total of 3 weeks (Lord willing) and two of those weeks I'm coming into town for practices since it's nearby. But the best part of it will be of course our costumes!! Haha. :D


 Also, I just ask for your prayers for the church plant. We have a crazy week ahead with our first community gathering/preview service and SO much to do! We're excited to have Sam back for the summer though and able to help with leading worship. So please continue to pray for us!

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